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A member registered Apr 19, 2020

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losing the ficht ending

and i can compleat the cafe pusel (i found 2 (i still need sise )but i tried all combinations and it dousnt work

the 2 ending for magigirl is buged 

i the game craches after the cutsean ?

i found 18 ending am i still mising some
still mising the tru ending ?
i cant compleate the cafe pusel (found 2 hints but still cant comlpeat it ?

wher can i find mods for this game ?

the downlood for windows is broken (i dont get all the files 

i just did and it remaind
i got 1,0 from paitrion (free)
and whould you mind sending me a link to discord (easier to send saves )
thanks in advans

hi my game is buged
wanever i try to do combat nothing hapens
but i get locket in combat any help ?


when i load my last savegame i cant progress 

(she tels me she doesnt know what i chould do and i have to go sleep

i cant acses the new content (or am i an idiot who cant find it

i meant in game

when i load my last savegame i cant progress 

(she tels me she doesnt know what i chould do and i have to go sleep

i dont get the new (0,10) levels
any help ?

is a chame you cant enlarge the tekst 

its hard to read

found it thanks

i cant get the churtch
i have incounterd the statuw

i sent it via f95
thanks in advanse

i won the reseling match
and i can acsept the qwest from the bord but it dousnt apear in my qwest tracker and it dousnt unlock

i cant activate the 2 dungon
i can acsept the qwest but then nothing happens (unloking it dousnt work ider

the game wont strart for me any help

i got it of tfgames

ah ok 

and will ther be a memory room (where you can see the bad ends you discoverd ?

are ther bad ends in this game ?

she keeps becoming angry /inpasiant

what site ?

how do i beat the cobold qween

well im no programer and sadly cant help $$$ 

but if ther is somting els i can help whit let me know 

how far can you go whit your sister ?

ah ok 

im loking forward to the game 

but maby put a worning up so peaple know

i cant save the game

cant leave chop ?

how do i get new girls ?

si ther a way to dalay urgent recwest 3 ??

i dont want to do it yet

no prob i chould have posted it in the discord

could i make a sugestion 

make a traning zone (back jeard ex.)

that way if players think they are underleveld they can level up

you could make them ficht imadinery enemies (healt resets after ficht+no drops )and ist based on the enemys you alredy incounterd

i know that but i have been avoiding any other fights douse that make me onderleveld ?

are we sepost to avoid all enemies ex bosses or doese that make it harder ?

ok thanks

why dont you recomend them ?

and wher do i get clotes ?

how do i reafill mental healt ?(blu line)

i dont see it 

is it richt at the entrans ?

how do i acses
Rinny hypnotism event?

no prob that why you have it